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March 29, 2009


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Taffy Carlisle

I am greatly interested in this discussion and will be glad to share it with my district. Taffy


Raising awareness of bipolar disorder is an important step towards promoting early detection and accurate diagnosis, which is why the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) created Bipolar Disorder Awareness Day. Scheduled for October 11, Bipolar Disorder Awareness Day is designed to educate about the signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder to help ensure early diagnosis and treatment, as well as to help eliminate of the stigma that surrounds mental illness.
But because people in the manic phase of bipolar disorder may feel productive and self-confident, these symptoms are often overlooked. All too often, people with bipolar disorder are misdiagnosed with depression, hindering their efforts to find the right treatment plan.



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Heather Adrian

Very interesting and detailed article.

I saw a piece several years ago somewhere speaking of the overall lower instances of language related LD's amongst the Romance languages (as opposed to the Germanic ones like English)

This really plays into that and shows how to deal with those sorts of things as learning English can tend to bring out previously uncovered LD's.
Heather Adrian AKA RedGringo


The information, that you have provided on the 'Distinguishing learning disabilities from the language-acquisition process' is totally make sense to us.
I was searching about learning disability schools and got some good blogs and websites as check http://www.centerschoolpa.org/language-development-skills.asp it will help you for sure

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