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October 13, 2009


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I really feel as if RI is a neccessry tool to help catch those students before they are even laeled with a disabiliy in an effort to help address needs arly and try to create a plan to help support them without moving straight toa child study.


I've registered, paid, but what now? I see no directions for accessing this.

Anna Baker (CEC Staff)

You should have received a confirmation e-mail from CEC with instructions for logging in. Please call 1-888-232-7733 if you registered but did not receive this.


Great to see these webinars on RTI. I work with a PR firm that represents McGraw-Hill Education, and I thought you might be interested in a recent position paper on this topic.

In it, Arthur Griffin, senior vp of the urban advisory group, says, "The difference between Response to Intervention and previous assessment and intervention methods is the difference between a treasure hunt and a witch hunt. The old model looked for what was wrong with children and focused on what they didn’t understand. The new model looks at what they do understand and attempts to builds upon that spark to nurture their development and encourage their future achievement."

The PDF of the white paper is available at http://www.mhsegsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/position-paper.pdf.

Boise State University

We have a few college students online Boise State University and we love your blog postings, so well add your rss or news feed for them, Thanks and please post us and leave a comment back and well link to you. Thanks Jen , Blog
Boise State University

Mark Pennington

Any more scheduled for the near future? I've made available a helpful collection of free whole-class reading, spelling, and grammar assessments. Perfect for Tier I and II RTI.

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